Arlingtones Guest Night

7:15pm, Tue, Apr 29 2025

Event Details

Type of event: Guest Night
Start time: 7:15pm
End time: 8:45pm
Venue: Gunston Middle School
2700 S Lang St
Room 145
Arlington VA 22206
  See map below
Description: Arlingtones Guest Night
All voices are welcome!!

This is an Arlingtones Guest Night, open to all voices, with no experience necessary.  We invite all who would like to check out the chorus to visit and see how much fun it is.  We will start with a few exercises to determine where each voice fits in the ensemble.  Then we will sing a little as an ensemble to demonstrate how much fun singing can be.  The Arlingtones will provide all the music, and musical direction.  If you are curious about the Arlingtones, enjoy singing at home, or want to try singing in a group, this is the time to try us out.  Come, meet the singers, enjoy the harmony and commraderie!  

If you cannot attend our guest night, our regular weekly rehearsals are open for anyone to visit, but visitors should plan to participate by singing with us as much as possible.  Please let us know if you plan to attend so that we have sufficient music books available by emailing Erica at  



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